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Why Choose Lennox Furnaces | 2021

Lennox is one of the most recognized and trusted brands of HVAC equipment in the USA.  Over the years Lennox furnaces have become known for their high quality and the company’s focus on providing long-lasting comfort to customers.

That’s all easy to say, so lets take a look at the facts.

Exactly why should you choose a Lennox furnace in 2021?


SilentComfort™ Technology

Lennox is one of the industry leaders in manufacturing ultra-quiet furnaces.  If your current furnace is always making a noise, you will be amazed at the difference with a SilentComfort™ unit from Lennox.

How does it work?

Lennox achieves their ultra-silent furnaces by using variable speed technology, which are among some of the best on the market.  These furnaces switch between a high and low speed as needed.  Most of the time the low speed is sufficient to meet most household demands (as much as 80% of the time).  When the motor needs more speed, it builds up slowly removing that sudden “blast” of air that is associated with traditional models.

According to Lennox, their SLP98V model is the quietest furnace you can buy.

The SLP98V is so quiet, I have to look at the thermostat to see if the system is running.

– @SCHeatWave100, South Carolina


Flexible Feautres/Options

Lennox has a good product range with similarly priced furnaces to other leading brands such as Rheem, Carrier and Trane.  When paired with one of their smart thermostats, Lennox furnaces can be controlled and monitored with Alexa smart speakers and this tends to work well. Climate IQ also provides humidity control helping to keep the air comfortable and consistent. iComfort  WiFi enabled programmable thermostats can help to hold the temperature of your home to within 0.5 degree of its setting.

Lennox has a range of single, variable speed, power saver and low emissions furnaces to suit all types of needs and budgets.


Highest Efficiencies

Lennox furnaces have some of the highest efficiencies of any on the market.  Their highest performing furnaces have efficiency ratings of 99%, 98.7% and 97% which are higher than some comparable brands that have efficiencies of 95%, 96.5% and 97%.  Lennox variable speed furnaces are also very good at maintaining consistent temperature as they operate between 35%-100% capacity as needed throughout the day.  No waiting around for the furnace to catch up.


Better Air Quality

Lennox is the first HVAC company to manufacture an Ultra-Low NOx (Nitrogen Oxide) furnace. According to Lennox, their Ultra-Low NOx furnaces produce 65% less NOx emissions than a low NOx furnace.  This can reduce symptoms of wheezing, coughing, colds, bronchitis and worsened asthma and be beneficial for the environment too.

Lennox claims that their EL180NE model is the lowest emissions furnace on the market. Their SL97UH40NV36B, EL195UH100NE60C, SL280UH100NV60C, and EL180UH040NE36A units are the first commercially available natural Gas-Fired Fan type Central Furnaces to meet a NOx emission limit of 14 nanograms per Joule (ng/J).


Warranty as Standard

With a Lennox furnace you don’t have to worry about remembering to register your product to receive warranty coverage.  Their warranty is provided as standard, so long as you retain your proof of purchase.  Other brands such as Carrier and Trane require registration within 60 or 90 days or the warranty time will be reduced.

In many cases, the Lennox warranty is comparable to the competition, 20 years for some of the primary heat exchangers and 10 or 5 years for parts.


Lennox Premier Dealer


Interested in finding out more about the Lennox product range and replacing an existing furnace in the Burlington / Greater Hartford CT area?  As Lennox Premier Dealers, Chard and Son provide you with the best advice, experienced installation and dependable service to enjoy a Lennox furnace that keeps you comfortable year-in-year-out.  Call for more information: 860-675-8086

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