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Annual AC Maintenance

Why an Annual AC Tune-up is Necessary?

An annual AC tune-up will save you aggravation and money

Is an annual AC tune-up necessary? Yes, absolutely! Most people think that annual AC tune-up is an unnecessary expense because their AC is working just fine. It’s not that your AC will break down when you need it the most if you don’t get a tune-up done. It may continue to run just fine. However, it may not work as efficiently as it should/ You may end up spending more on utility bills and possibly repairs. Your comfort and your AC’s energy efficiency are not worth risking. So, we strongly recommend an annual AC tune-up for your unit.

What is an AC tune-up?

During an annual AC tune-up, your HVAC technician will conduct a general inspection of the AC  unit. They will check both indoor and outdoor components such as belts and motors. They also check for any leaks, loose, or dirty electrical connections, and broken safety features. If required, they will change the air filter as well.

The professional will also ensure that the system has the right refrigerant levels. They will also check the coolant levels and if the thermostat is working correctly. The professional will then check for any blockages in the air ducts and if required, clear them out. They will then clean the condenser and evaporator coils. Finally, they will test-run the AC to make sure it is working as it should.

Why is annual AC maintenance important?

Prevents costly repairs

Preemptive AC maintenance almost always costs less than a repair job. It does not mean that your AC will definitely break down if you skip annual maintenance. However, if it does break down, the repair would cost a lot more than a tune-up. While tune-ups cannot completely prevent all AC problems, over half of the AC problems can be prevented by annual maintenance. During annual maintenance, the technician would be able to identify small issues and fix them before they turn into major issues that require expensive repairs.

Improves efficiency and decreases cooling costs

Regular AC maintenance ensures that your AC is working at its peak efficiency. When the AC is not working at its peak efficiency and is not cooling your home properly, it would run more often and put a strain on your AC and may result in costly repairs. This also means that your energy bills would be higher. This is why we emphasize annual tune-ups. Something as simple as replacing a dirty and clogged air filter with a new one can lower the AC’s energy consumption by 5%-15%.

Prevents mold growth

A blocked or damaged outdoor compressor can cause excessive humidity and foul odors inside your home. Annual AC maintenance can help detect this issue in its early stages before mold growth begins. Remember, mold growth is not just a cosmetic issue but a health hazard as well.

Increased lifespan

Regular AC maintenance is the best way to extend the lifespan of your air conditioning system. An annual AC tune-up helps identify small issues that can turn into something big and cause system damage. For example, A clogged filter that prevents air from flowing into the unit can cause the engine to burn out. If this happens, you will have to replace the entire system.

Routine maintenance can greatly reduce the chances of system breakdowns. After lying dormant for months during colder weather, your AC needs some cleaning and maintenance before it starts working day and night to keep you cool. So, show some love to your AC and don’t ignore its annual tune-up.

Do you want an annual AC tune-up for your unit? Contact us and we will make sure your unit is running at peak efficiency for years to come.


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