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whole-house water filtration system

Do You Need a Whole-House Water Filtration System?

A whole-house water filtration system provides cleaner and safer water to every tap in your home. It is installed at the main water line of a home and provides filtered water throughout the house including faucets, showers, and home appliances such as dishwashers. The whole house water system is a point-of-entry” filter because it removes contaminants at the point where water enters your home.  

Many homeowners wonder whether they will benefit from a whole house filtration system or if it is just an unnecessary expense. Honestly, the answer depends on many factors, the primary one being the quality of water you receive in your house. Here are some points to consider if you, too, are wondering whether or not you need a whole-house water filtration system:

Clean water in the entire house

A whole-house filtration system provides clean water not just for drinking but for showers, washing clothes and dishes, and all other purposes. So, you basically get filtered water from all the faucets in your home. These filtration systems are highly effective in removing contaminants from water. They can remove minerals, chlorine, calcium, fluoride, sediment, and other chemicals from water.

Please note that these substances do not normally cause any severe health issues, but they do impact the taste and odor of your water. With a whole-house water filtration system, the overall quality of the water improves, and the taste, appearance, and smell of the water improve noticeably.

Filtered water is better for your skin and hair

Filtered water is not only safe and healthy for your drinking, but it is also healthier for your skin and hair. Unfiltered water often contains chlorine and other chemicals that are not very gentle on your skin and hair. They strip the skin and hair of moisture, leaving them dry and dull.  While chlorinated water may not harm immediately, prolonged use can adversely affect your hair and skin.

Extends the lifespan of appliances and fixtures

Some of the most important and expensive appliances in your home rely on water including your dishwasher, washing machine, and more. Filtered water is better for your appliances and fixtures than chlorinated and unfiltered water. Softened water provides for spotless and shining glassware and also reduces scale in showers, pipes, sinks, and tubs. This significantly reduces clogging, which in turn, extends the lifespan of your household pipes and appliances. In fact, it is believed that softened water can extend the lifespan of your appliances by over 25%.

Filtered water also improves pH and reduces corrosion, which proves beneficial for the fixtures and helps them last longer. It prevents rust stains on tubs, sinks, toilets, and dishwashers. The clothes also come out softer and brighter.

Saves money in the long run

While the initial cost of installing a whole-house water filtration system is quite high, in the long run, it pays itself off in different ways. If you drink bottled water, a whole-house filtration system will save you a lot of money. It also protects your appliances, which means less repair costs and a longer lifespan. Your appliances work more efficiently, and the clothes and dishes don’t get damaged.

A whole-house water filtration system is a comprehensive solution that ensures clean, purified water throughout your entire home. With a whole-house water filtration system, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that every faucet and shower delivers safe and refreshing water for you and your family.

Are you considering a whole-house water filtration system for your home? Get in touch with our team, and we will guide you through the entire process. We will offer quality installation and repair services for your whole house filtration system.

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